Practical assessment of a physical activity strategy for medical UDELAS emergencies’ students

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Graciela H. Ambulo Arosemena
Armando Sentmanat Belisón
Omar Paulas González


The studies "Strategic diagnosis of the conditions for the development of physical activity in the student population of the Medical Emergencies and Disasters career", carried out at the Specialties University of the Americas (UDELAS) of Panama", showed the need for the practical application of the elaborated strategy to determine its relevance. A prospective experimental study was developed with all the students of the career of Medical Emergencies and Disasters, applying physical tests, surveys and interviews, and the strategy was submitted, after applied, through a survey, to the opinion of teachers and directors. directly related to it. The results showed the improvement of the physical condition of the students, the satisfaction of students, teachers and managers, and allowed to conclude that the elaborated strategy had relevance to be applied in the career of Medical Emergencies and Disasters.


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How to Cite
Ambulo Arosemena G. H., Sentmanat Belisón A., & Paulas González O. (2020). Practical assessment of a physical activity strategy for medical UDELAS emergencies’ students. Acción, 16(s/n). Retrieved from
Artículos Originales


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