Psychoeducational intervention in youth athletes: the pre-competitive period

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Victor Amable Mallqui-Quisintuña
Clelia Elizabeth Sisa-Aguagallo


The objective of this work is to identify the degree of impact of the psycho-educational intervention during the pre-competitive period in sport climbing and karate athletes. The methodology constitutes a comparative case study. As a result, during the psycho-educational process, the extrinsic and intrinsic motivational levels increased. No significant variations were obtained in the levels of somatic and cognitive anxiety between the CSAI-2R test and post-test, which reflects that the psychoeducational intervention strategies did not reach the desired impact at the level of cognitive and physical regulation, or there were factors external stressors that affected psychophysical and emotional performance.


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How to Cite
Mallqui-QuisintuñaV. A., & Sisa-AguagalloC. E. (2023). Psychoeducational intervention in youth athletes: the pre-competitive period. Acción, 19(s/n). Retrieved from
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