Diagnosis of physical activity in the student population of the Specialized University of Americas (Panamá)

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Graciela H. Ambulo Arosemena
Armando Sentmanat Belisón
Omar Paulas González


The mission of the Specialized University of the Americas (UDELAS) is to respond to social problems in the first-rate professional training of its students, which is why their careers seek to provide their graduates with the necessary skills to achieve it according to their specialties. Among the careers of the Faculty of Health and Integral Rehabilitation of the Specialized University of the Americas, the Bachelor of Medical Emergencies and Disasters is one of those in the first line of patient care. This career requires the student to develop skills, abilities and knowledge, which is coupled with the acquisition of a certain physical state, so it is necessary to diagnose the current state of these activities in the curriculum of the career. The objective of the research was to identify the advantages and problems of the practice of physical activities of the students of the UDELAS Medical Emergency and Disaster. Surveys, interviews, document analysis and physical tests were applied for the development of the diagnosis. The results allowed obtain the criteria of students, teachers and managers, on the knowledge, advantages and practice of physical activity. It was concluded that it was necessary to develop a physical activity strategy for the UDELAS Medical Emergency and Disaster career.


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How to Cite
Ambulo ArosemenaG. H., Sentmanat Belisón A., & Paulas GonzálezO. (1). Diagnosis of physical activity in the student population of the Specialized University of Americas (Panamá). Acción, 16(s/n). Retrieved from https://accion.uccfd.cu/index.php/accion/article/view/93
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