The contribution of playful activities in the development of social skills in childhood

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Yesica Núñez-Pumariega
Paulo Renato Vitória-Calheiros
Ramón Núñez-Cárdenas


Social skills refer to social behavior on the individual's repertoire to deal with demands of interpersonal situations. When there is low level of social skills, interpersonal relationships become critical, can become limited and conflicting, interfering negatively in the group in which the individual is inserted. The importance of the study of social skills has been recognized as a crucial component for learning and school success, as well as for socio-emotional development and adjustment in school. Considering the above, this research aimed to identify and analyze publications that will make reference playful contribution in the development of social skills in childhood. As specific goals were determined as follows: a) Identify the social skills with regard ace research approaches; b) distinguish the parent-child relationship and the play; c) Address the recreational games as a way of learning basic concepts in children; d) To analyze the studies focused ace social skills with a focus on childhood. A bibliographic research was perfomed. The date bases SciELO, Capes and Schoolar Google had been consulted, 18 of them were selected but I only used 11 to analyze ; all of them were written in Portuguese. The study shows the importance of a playful environmentfor for the social development of children.


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Núñez-PumariegaY., Vitória-CalheirosP. R., & Núñez-CárdenasR. (1). The contribution of playful activities in the development of social skills in childhood. Acción, 14(s/n). Retrieved from
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