Editorial management strategy for scientific journals of social sciences
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Editorial management in the context of open science constitutes a challenge for the editorial teams of social science scientific journals. The objective of this article is to propose an editorial management strategy for the improvement of publications in the magazine “Horizonte Pedagógico”, a scientific organ of the General Directorate of Education in the province of Havana. It is developed using the action-participation investigative approach where different methods are harmoniously used to guide the investigative procedure, highlighting the historical - logical, analytical - synthetic, inductive - deductive and the structural systemic. The final result is a strategy that takes into account the components of editorial management, focusing on improving the different processes carried out in magazines. It contains permanent actions which are applied by the different actors involved in the editorial processes. The main discussions developed allowed us to determine the relevance and timeliness of the proposal, mainly in the Horizonte Pedagogico magazine, where after its application it made possible indexing in specialized databases and catalogs that promote open access to publications, such as Scielo.
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