Characterization of professional motivation in first-year students of the Physical Culture degree

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María José Trujillo Hernández.
Martha Bárbara Iznaola Cuscó.


Evaluating the importance of motivation for the professional training of students at the university is a difficult task for education and development in higher education. The conception of motivation is assumed from a historical-cultural approach to human development. The objective of the study is to characterize professional motivation in first-year students of the Physical Culture degree. The research of a descriptive nature, eminently qualitative, combines the quantitative for the analysis of the results. Scientific methods of the theoretical and empirical research level were used. For the characterization of professional motivation, the use of the DIP technique (Diagnosis of professional interest) adapted to the context of Physical Culture stands out. This allows us to identify the level of motivation development of the students in the sample and their development potential in the context of their professional training. The result was the identification of different levels of professional motivation, recognizing their needs, motives, and satisfaction towards the study of the Physical Culture career.


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How to Cite
Trujillo Hernández.M. J., & Iznaola Cuscó.M. B. (2024). Characterization of professional motivation in first-year students of the Physical Culture degree. Acción, 20(Especial), 172-185. Retrieved from
Artículos Originales
Author Biography

María José Trujillo Hernández., Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física Manuel Fajardo. La Habana, Cuba





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