Plyometric exercises to develop explosive strength and muscle power in young judokas in Angola

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Miguel Francisco Antunes Emiliano Chimuco
Francisco Fidel Porto López.
Bárbara Tandrón Negrín


Plyometric exercises are used by some combat sports to develop explosive strength and muscle power, which is unknown to judo coaches at the Conscious Children academy, in Lubango, Angola. The objective of this work is to develop a proposal for plyometric exercises for the development of explosive strength and muscle power in young judokas. During the 2020 season, a non-experimental cross-sectional study was carried out, with a qualitative approach. Empirical and statistical-mathematical methods were used to obtain the scientific results. The diagnosis showed a low development of explosive strength and muscle power of athletes in the applied tests, as well as the lack of knowledge of coaches about the use of plyometric exercises for this purpose. It is concluded that the proposed exercises can contribute to increase the levels of explosive strength and muscle power, during the general and special preparation of the sample studied, benefiting the technical-tactical executions and with it the sports results.


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How to Cite
Antunes Emiliano ChimucoM. F., Porto López. F. F., & Tandrón NegrínB. (2024). Plyometric exercises to develop explosive strength and muscle power in young judokas in Angola. Acción, 19(No.1), 16-31. Retrieved from
Artículos Originales
Author Biographies

Francisco Fidel Porto López. , Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte Manuel Fajardo, La Habana, Cuba. 



Bárbara Tandrón Negrín, Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte Manuel Fajardo, La Habana, Cuba





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