Protocol for the control of maximum aerobic for athletes of the Cuban sports reserve

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Alfredo Quintana Díaz
Teresita D. Duany Díaz
Lliliam García Chacón
Omar Mendoza de Lara
Amel Echevarría Gil


The activity of the Cuban Sports Research Center in the control of cardiorespiratory stress tests has not taken into account the Cuban sports reserve as one of the basic components of the Olympic preparation system. Converging a contradiction between the need to support the preparation of the reserve from the control of cardiorespiratory variables and the little practical feasibility of using the laboratory in large-scale measurements. The objective of this research was to design a control protocol through incremental field tests for the evaluation of the Maximum Aerobic Power in the athletes that make up the Cuban sports reserve. An applied investigation was carried out, with a diagnostic purpose, within the framework of the quantitative paradigm, processing the data through descriptive statistics of interrelation. The results of the application allowed to identify that the Maximum Aerobic Power demonstrates a satisfactory functional availability of the organism to undergo aerobic resistance training. The proposed test is sustainable over time and feasible to apply in the context of the Cuban sports reserve.


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Quintana DíazA., Duany DíazT. D., García ChacónL., Mendoza de LaraO., & Echevarría GilA. (1). Protocol for the control of maximum aerobic for athletes of the Cuban sports reserve. Acción, 19(s/n). Retrieved from
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