Extensions programs as pedagogic alternative for the employment of the scholar free time

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Roberto Fernández Fonseca


The School Extension Program was implemented as a pedagogical alternative for the productive use of free time in primary students of the International School of Havana. Its objective is to determine the level of satisfaction in the beneficiaries and actors of the proposal. A descriptive-qualitative study was carried out using qualitative methods such as the unstructured interview, written and verbal report, user criteria, logical-deductive and percentage statistical procedures. Its results show favorable opinions from actors and beneficiaries of the program. Its pedagogical-practical feasibility in the use of its didactic, methodological and educational arsenal is positively valued.


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Fernández FonsecaR. (2021). Extensions programs as pedagogic alternative for the employment of the scholar free time. Acción, 17(s/n). Retrieved from https://accion.uccfd.cu/index.php/accion/article/view/200
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