Games and sports as a therapeutic resource for psycho-emotional catharsis in child and adolescent populations

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Jean Carlos Indacochea- Mendoza
Sinthia Elizabeth Rivadeneira-Arregui
Andrea Pamela Silva Núñez


This research aims to raise the importance of leisure, recreational and sports activities, as alternative therapeutic means of releasing psychological and emotional tensions in youth and child populations. The investigative method applied within the present work was based on a qualitative exploratory study. The main results showed a greater integration of the children's and youth group. Team games applied to the environment of adolescents, allowed complex coordination and collaborative activities, while children's games facilitated the integration of children with functional diversity within vital development spaces. It was also possible to observe the behaviors of leaders, and in other cases of aggressiveness, role plays were performed, which improved the empathy of the group of adolescents, the problem of disabilities was identified in the case of the older ones.


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How to Cite
Indacochea- MendozaJ. C., Rivadeneira-ArreguiS. E., & Silva NúñezA. P. (2023). Games and sports as a therapeutic resource for psycho-emotional catharsis in child and adolescent populations. Acción, 19(s/n). Retrieved from
Artículos Originales
Author Biographies

Jean Carlos Indacochea- Mendoza, Unidad Educativa 12 de Noviembre, Ecuador



Sinthia Elizabeth Rivadeneira-Arregui, Unidad Educativa Sagrada Familia, Ecuador







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