A Graphic plan of sport training to the para-taekwondo K- 40 sport classing

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Ricardo González-Freijes
Erva Brito-Vázquez


To achieve a sport accomplishment one of the main condition is the structure of training. A satisfactory structure of training warrants not only a better accomplishment in the most important sporting stages, but also affirm the sporting longevity of the athletes. To classified the athletes of para-taekwondo determine in which event they can compete, and in which category or sporting class they can perform. The rules of the World Taekwondo Federation (WT) unified all the para-taekwondo competitions level, to warrant a better organization in sporting events and to develop the events in an equitable and balanced way. That’s why the objective of the research that supports this scientific article is to elaborate a graphic plan of training, taking into account the characteristics of the athletes who practice para-taekwondo. To carry out this research several theoretical and empirical methods such as: Historical - Logical, Analysis - Synthesis, Observation and Survey were applied. As a result of this research, a graphic plan of training able to warrant a satisfactory training for the main competition was proposed.


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González-FreijesR., & Brito-VázquezE. (1). A Graphic plan of sport training to the para-taekwondo K- 40 sport classing. Acción, 15(s/n). Retrieved from https://accion.uccfd.cu/index.php/accion/article/view/54
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