Psychology and sports injuries. An approach from the Psychology of Sport

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Pedro Reynaga-Estrada
Carmen Julia Aguirre-Olivas


The psychological factors are one of the causes why an athlete is vulnerable to suffer a sport injury. However, multiple psychological phenomena also appear as a consequence of the injury; and, of course, the psychological factors that arise in the face of fear of re-insertion into sports. In this work you will find a study of psychology and its relationship with sports injuries, the basic lines of research that are developed over four decades, from the first investigations in the 70s, and the most recent ones, in which research is strengthened and improved in support of the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject. The main theoretical models are presented to explain these psychological variables related to sports injuries. Different studies that contribute to strengthen the models are explained, relating the importance of stress in the occurrence of injuries; as well as the studies carried out in Mexico.


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Reynaga-EstradaP., & Aguirre-OlivasC. J. (1). Psychology and sports injuries. An approach from the Psychology of Sport. Acción, 15(s/n). Retrieved from
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