Functional training program for improving physical condition in under 18 basketball players

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Maribel . Hidalgo Quispe
Joseph Taro.


This study investigates the effects of a functional training program on improving the physical condition of youth basketball players. With a quantitative approach and a field experimental design, the objective was to evaluate how this training impacts the athletes' strength, speed, and agility. To measure the results, strength (vertical jump), speed (20 m), and agility (Illinois) tests were applied before and after the eight-week intervention. The data obtained were analyzed using the Shapiro-Wilk test and Student's t-test. The results showed significant improvements in the three evaluated capacities. 81.82% of the players reached high levels in agility, while 100% showed improvements in speed and strength. The average agility and speed times decreased, reflecting faster performance, and strength increased, although with greater variability. Correlations between pre- and post-intervention data were strong in agility and strength but weaker in speed, suggesting potential adjustments for future interventions. In conclusion, the functional training program implemented over eight weeks had a positive impact on the players' physical performance, improving not only their overall performance but also contributing to injury prevention.


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How to Cite
Hidalgo QuispeM. ., & Taro. J. (2024). Functional training program for improving physical condition in under 18 basketball players. Acción, 20(Especial), 113-128. Retrieved from
Artículos Originales
Author Biographies

Maribel . Hidalgo Quispe, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena,Santa Elena, Ecuador



Joseph Taro. , Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Santa Elena, Ecuador





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