The role of scientific journals in promoting innovative pedagogical practices

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Sonia Elizabeth Carrillo Puga
Borys Bismark León Reyes
Trilce Soledad Ulloa Hernández
Gloria Estefany Villacres Arias


Today's education faces the challenge of integrating innovative pedagogical practices that respond to the demands of a dynamic and constantly changing environment. The objective of this study is to analyze the role of scientific journals in the dissemination of these practices, with emphasis on their impact on teaching development, institutional improvement and community benefit. The sample included 152 participants: university professors, master's students, and editors of scientific journals. Mixed methods were applied, using surveys, interviews and documentary analysis. The results show that scientific journals are perceived as essential tools to update pedagogical strategies, although barriers related to resources and training persist. Publishers led in adopting innovations, followed by teachers and students. The conclusions highlight the need to strengthen training and resources to promote the effective implementation of these practices, ensuring their positive impact in educational environments.


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How to Cite
Carrillo PugaS. E., León ReyesB. B., Ulloa HernándezT. S., & Villacres AriasG. E. (2024). The role of scientific journals in promoting innovative pedagogical practices. Acción, 20(Especial), 100-112. Retrieved from
Artículos Originales
Author Biographies

Sonia Elizabeth Carrillo Puga, Universidad Técnica de Machala, El Oro, Ecuador.




Trilce Soledad Ulloa Hernández, Universidad Técnica de Machala, El Oro, Ecuador.



Gloria Estefany Villacres Arias, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Guayas, Ecuador




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