Five-a-side Football Training for Athletes with Visual Impairments: A Narrative review

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Herman Antonio Cerda García.
Andri José Velásquez Salazar.
Luis Veas Alfaro.
Juan Guillermo Díaz Labrín.


Five-a-side football, like football in general, is a highly demanding sport that requires specialised training to optimise athletes' performance. The aim of this study was to analyse the existing literature on how training influences the performance of adult futsal players with visual impairments. This was a qualitative study with a narrative review design. The procedure involved conducting a bibliographic review using electronic databases such as PubMed – Medline, Google Scholar, Scopus, and Scielo, in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Studies published between 2015 and 2021 were selected, involving adult male amateur and professional football players with visual impairments or reduced vision, addressing futsal training. Out of a total of 1509 articles reviewed, 12 studies that met the inclusion criteria were selected. The results indicated that specific work on goal shooting and game situations helped to improve shooting effectiveness, and that auditory and technical training enhanced the athletes’ performance. Furthermore, the importance of adjusting the training load according to the athletes' age was highlighted to prevent performance decline. In conclusion, advancements in training systems and sports sciences have enabled the development of effective training programmes that enhance the performance of visually impaired futsal players.


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How to Cite
Cerda García.H. A., Velásquez Salazar.A. J., Veas Alfaro.L., & Díaz Labrín.J. G. (2024). Five-a-side Football Training for Athletes with Visual Impairments: A Narrative review. Acción, 20(s/n), 321-336. Retrieved from
Artículos de Revisión
Author Biography

Herman Antonio Cerda García., Universidad Santo Tomás, La Serena, Chile.




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