The development process of tennis players in Brazil from the sports actors’ perspective
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A holistic and contextualized understanding of the long-term development process is a starting point for establishing more assertive action plans to promote high-performance tennis. In this scenario, the main of this present study was to systematize and describe the main points of attention from the representative sports agents’ perceptions about the development process of tennis players in Brazil. A qualitative study was carried out, which is characterized as exploratory and descriptive, using Thematic Analysis to analyze the nine live broadcasts selected to compose the sample. The results were grouped into two main themes: Potentials/Opportunities for development in the national context; and Challenges for training athletes for international excellence. Among the aspects mentioned as Potentials/Opportunities, training and exchange of experiences between coaches, the use of new teaching methodologies and the engagement of different sports actors appeared as first-level subthemes. In terms of challenges/Barriers the main subthemes found were training/development process and sports culture. It was evident in the participants’ narrative the advances achieved in recent years, the need to rethink the competitive ecosystem and the support offered to agents in this context.
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