Bibliometric Analysis of the Journal Ciencias de la Actividad Física UCM (2013–2024)
Main Article Content
Considering that scientific dissemination is constantly evolving and various factors drive the increase in scientific article publication, there is a growing need for tools to critically analyze and evaluate the generated information and its impact. The aim of this research was to examine the evolution of research interests in the fields of physical activity, sports, and Physical Education within the journal Ciencias de la Actividad Física UCM. A descriptive and retrospective analysis was conducted on the entire scientific output of REVISTACAF.UCM from 2013 to 2024 (inclusive).The analysis included research-focused documents such as original articles, reviews, and dissemination and/or experience-based publications featured in the journal. A total of 219 articles were identified during the period. These included 179 original articles, 32 reviews and short communications, and 8 experience-based publications. The countries with the highest number of publications were Chile (n=130), Brazil (n=38), and Mexico (n=19). The mean reception-to-acceptance interval was 4.1 months. It is concluded that the bibliometric indicators are comparable to those of leading health sciences journals in Ibero-American countries, especially in the last two years.
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