The preparation of coaches for the use of Biomechanics in sports training

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Juan Manuel Perdomo-Ogando
Liset Perdomo-Blanco
Alberto Bautista Sánchez-Oms


This article deals with the preparation of sports coaches to apply Biomechanics in the sports training process, in the province of Villa Clara; it has been possible to verify through documentary analysis, previous investigations about the subject, as well as through the use of different methods and techniques, coaches that do not have enough preparation to analyze the sports technique in a more objective way starting from the use of biomechanical software, in spite of the gradual improvement of the plans of study of the Degree in Physical Culture, for that reason a preparation system is designed, from the dialectical materialist approach where methods of the theoretical and practical level are combined, that allows to achieve a positive transformation in the professional performance of the coaches, by using Biomechanics in sports training, all of which is corroborated by the criteria of the users.


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Perdomo-OgandoJ. M., Perdomo-BlancoL., & Sánchez-OmsA. B. (1). The preparation of coaches for the use of Biomechanics in sports training. Acción, 14(s/n). Retrieved from
Artículos Originales


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