Observational analysis of the use and effectiveness of laterality in international soccer competitions
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For the elite soccer players, it seems that a high level of bilateral technical effectiveness is a fundamental requirement. However, it is common to observe errors in key plays due to a bad choice of the leg. The aim of this study was to compare the frequency and effectiveness of using the dominant and non-dominant limb between young and adult players. In order to achieve this, 1,260 specific offensive actions of teams participating in three international tournaments of different age categories, were registered through observational research. The statistical analysis has been performed using contingency tables, classification trees and correspondence analysis. The results showed a slight increase in the frequency of use of the non-dominant leg when advancing in age category. Furthermore, they revealed the absence of significant differences between the use of a particular laterality and the effectiveness in the three championships. This similarity, manifest an important bilateral performance in young football players, suggesting the inclusion of offensive situations that may permit indistinct use of both legs at practices, as a strategy to reduce the lateral asymmetries, necessary to reach top performance.
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