Use of video to improve free kick technique in basketball

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Constanza Milena Pérez Pérez


With the little training and technological resources in the area of physical education, in the I.E San Nicolas de Tuta, it became necessary to implement the use of new technologies and strategies in order to contribute to an education of quality by integrating ICT in the learning process to develop interaction, collaborative learning. The objective, identify which pedagogical practices through ICT contribute to the improvement of the foundation of a sports technique, for the realization, the descriptive method based on the qualitative approach was applied under the type of participation action research. The results showed that there are large differences between the pre and post test, concluding that the use of video contributed positively and effectively to improve the foundation of the sports technique.


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How to Cite
Pérez PérezC. M. (2024). Use of video to improve free kick technique in basketball. Acción, 20(s/n). Retrieved from
Artículos Originales
Author Biography

Constanza Milena Pérez Pérez, Institución Educativa San Nicolás, Boyacá, Colombia.


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