The initial research training of Higher Technician students at the University of Artemisa

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Elisa Margarita Robaina Aguirre
Mercedes Valdés Pedroso
Leidys Escalante Candeaux


The present study discusses the need for scientific training of students of the Higher Technician in Sports Training. The objective is to characterize the initial research training of the students of this career at the University of Artemisa. A descriptive, non-experimental study is carried out, which investigates the practical research processes in their connection with the academic and work components. Methods from empirical and theoretical levels were combined with statistics. The exploration belongs to the research project Management of the scientific-research activity of the professional and resulted in the determination of the insufficiencies in the process under investigation and indicators are built to improve this process.


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How to Cite
Robaina Aguirre E. M., Valdés Pedroso M., & Escalante CandeauxL. (2024). The initial research training of Higher Technician students at the University of Artemisa. Acción, 20(s/n). Retrieved from
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Author Biographies

Mercedes Valdés Pedroso , Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física Manuel Fajardo, La Habana, Cuba

Leidys Escalante Candeaux



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