System of physical loads to modify the rapid striking force in female boxers

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Anastasia Zielinski
Luis Michel Álvarez Berta


Cuba's incursion into women's boxing has meant that Cuban boxing has to be updated,
including its preparation system, since the current coaches, not having experience in the
physical preparation of these athletes, reproduce the men's training with them. Currently,
and given their still low technical level, one of the main difficulties encountered in a team
of ten boxers in achieving competitive success is increasing their quick striking strength.
Therefore, the objective of the present investigation was to apply a system of physical training loads over a period of four weeks to achieve significant modifications in the quick hitting strength of these athletes. Fundamentally using the empirical method of measurement, and also using parametric statistics. The main results were the transformation of the levels of rapid hitting force in the athletes, especially due to an effective transfer of the increase in maximum and explosive force in the lower extremities, which was not the case with the upper extremities. Therefore, the emphasis on working especially with their lower limbs is considered effective and necessary in the training of boxers.


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How to Cite
ZielinskiA., & Álvarez BertaL. M. (2023). System of physical loads to modify the rapid striking force in female boxers. Acción, 19(No.1). Retrieved from
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