School chess in Cuba. Notes that justify a strategic change

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Vivian Ramón Pita
Jerry Bosque Jiménez
Lázaro Jesús Blanco Encinosa


The International Chess Federation is proactive both for sports in schools, and to promote pre-chess characterized by being playful and motivational. Currently, this sports discipline in Cuba does not show strength in these indicators, which is why a transcendental change is urgently needed. The objective is to base a line of strategic work for the development of school chess, with the purpose of guaranteeing that it fulfills its double educational role and for the selection of high-level chess players in the period 2022-2028. An ongoing mixed investigation is carried out, which presents preliminary results that support the strategic change.


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How to Cite
Ramón PitaV., Bosque JiménezJ., & Blanco Encinosa L. J. (2023). School chess in Cuba. Notes that justify a strategic change. Acción, 19(s/n). Retrieved from
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