Study of the body mass index in physical activity: behavior in ecuadorian university students
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Overweight and obesity have increased in recent years in Ecuador, becoming a social concern. However, there are insufficient studies that inquire about the behavior of body mass index (BMI) in physical activity. The objective of the study is expressed in analyzing the body mass index in physical activity from the relationship between BMI, sex, ethnicity and semester in students of the Technical University of Machala. The research is carried out from a descriptive study where the combination of empirical and theoretical level methods is established, the use of descriptive statistics, as well as non-parametric contrast statistics for vertical comparisons. As a result, significant differences were found between the subjects of both sexes in terms of body weight, BMI, but not between the groups of subjects according to ethnicity in the institution studied. The results obtained point to the need to create alternatives for the prevention of overweight and obesity in the university context from the physical culture, taking into account the lifestyles of young people.
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