Pedagogical actions whith an interdiscipline approach to environment education

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Raúl Tejeda González
Yaidelin Montero González
David Machín Pérez


To carry out a sustainable and tenable educations as a means of this research work. That is why the environmental education is the key to teach trough the whole teaching process the tools to work and to collect results in the environmental education of the student of the Physical Culture career specifically in those who are the second tear. In the investigation process we used some scientific methods such as the interview, document analysis, inductive and deductive one, all of them give us the chance to collect results which are used by the authors to transform the student’s behavior about the environment point of view.


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Tejeda GonzálezR., Montero GonzálezY., & Machín PérezD. (2021). Pedagogical actions whith an interdiscipline approach to environment education. Acción, 17(s/n). Retrieved from
Artículos Originales


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