Cuban's Dance for the development of the rhythm in the bachelor on Physical Culture

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Nivia Sánchez Wint
Ana María Morales Ferrer
Jani García Perdigón


Starting from the contradiction that settles down among the inadequacies in the activities related with the development of the rhythm, capacity special coordinate, indispensable for the Graduate in Physical Culture, it was carried out a study that left of the diagnosis with students of first year of the Day Regular Course with the objective: to design activities with Cuban dances for the development of the rhythm in the subject Rhythmic Education and Ludic in the University of Sciences of the Physical Culture and  Sport "Manuel Fajardo". For their execution they were used technical and methods: analytic synthetic, functional structural documental, systemic analysis, interviews and the chart of empiric distribution of frequency, as statistical method. The results was be able to improvement the program and contributed the design of five activities with Cuban dances in correspondence with the contents to locate in the different parts of the class. 


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How to Cite
Sánchez WintN., Morales Ferrer A. M., & García Perdigón J. (2021). Cuban’s Dance for the development of the rhythm in the bachelor on Physical Culture. Acción, 17(s/n). Retrieved from
Artículos Originales


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