Ethical-environmental values in the context of sports training

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Margarita González Vázquez
Berta Luisa Ramírez Castillo
Roberto Zamora Corrales


This research is part of the result achieved in the Environmental Education Project developed at the EIDE "Pedro Batista" in Granma, where ethical-environmental values and their behavior in the sports population were analyzed. Through the applied diagnosis, the problem was characterized from the scientific methods of the theoretical-practical level: analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, documentary analysis, observation, scales of values and DELPHY. The results of which revealed insufficient knowledge about the ethical-environmental values of cycling athletes and coaches, unfavorably affecting their ways of acting with respect to the environment during training, constituting the fundamental research problem. Therefore, the objective of proposing environmental educational activities was defined, based on the treatment of ethical-environmental values, with their respective modes of action, which contribute to improving cycling athletes, their attitudes and behaviors towards the environment from sports training. As a result, the elaboration and application of a set of activities incorporated through formal and non-formal channels was achieved, with its methodological indications for dealing with these values, contributing to improving their attitudes, raising awareness and understanding the environment, their care and conservation in the educational process of cycling.


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How to Cite
González VázquezM., Ramírez CastilloB. L., & Zamora CorralesR. (2021). Ethical-environmental values in the context of sports training. Acción, 17(s/n). Retrieved from
Artículos Originales


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