Guide of exercises for the home rehabilitation of the cerebrovascular accidents

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Yessenia Pérez Reyes
Alexander Echemendía del Valle
Ismaris Núñez Hernández


Ictus is a disease with high prevalence, morbidity and mortality, worldwide is the leading cause of disability in adults and the second cause of dementia. In the Cuban Health System, within its development programs, there are the creation of multiple rehabilitation rooms in primary health care; but despite everything, there are patients who for various reasons do not attend or leave the rehabilitation services, so it was defined as the objective of the research, the development of an exercise guide that could favor the rehabilitation of these patients at home, for which a diagnosis of the rehabilitation of the patients was made, the guide was prepared and submitted to the specialists' assessment, it was applied in a practical way in a patient and the caregivers were subsequently surveyed. The results obtained by the Barthel Scale and the evaluation of the specialists criteria showed that the guide was feasible and relevant.


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How to Cite
Pérez ReyesY., Echemendía del ValleA., & Núñez HernándezI. (2021). Guide of exercises for the home rehabilitation of the cerebrovascular accidents. Acción, 17(s/n). Retrieved from
Artículos Originales


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