Environmental principles in sports training

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Margarita González Vázquez
Berta Luisa Ramírez Castillo
Roberto Zamora Corrales


The work responds to the results of the doctoral thesis developed in 2016 on "The environmental improvement of cycling coaches", from its implementation, the scientific foundations were laid to improve the professional performance of coaches and comprehensive training of athletes. The factual diagnosis evidenced the insufficient knowledge they had about environmental education, from which it was conceived as a problem: the need to guarantee the environmental preparation of coaches for their incorporation into Sports Training. For its solution, the objective was proposed: to propose actions that allow, through specialized workshops, to establish the contextual relationships of environmental principles in the process of Sports Training in cycling since the overcoming of coaches, to raise the integral training of athletes. The methods of the theoretical-practical scientific level were used: the analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, observation, document analysis and survey that gave the veracity to the investigative process, during the diagnosis and after applying the environmental principles in the training process In addition, the result of their contextual relationship and the link in practice, which are generalized in the new project generated, for the water sports of Granma was valued.


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How to Cite
González VázquezM., Ramírez CastilloB. L., & Zamora CorralesR. (2020). Environmental principles in sports training. Acción, 16(s/n). Retrieved from https://accion.uccfd.cu/index.php/accion/article/view/129
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