Current situation in Cuba for the estimation of oxygen consumption in adults with coronary risk

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Luis Lázaro Arias Rodríguez
Bergelino Zaldívar Pérez


Where a diagnosis of the current situation in Cuba was developed for the estimation of oxygen consumption in adults at risk coronary, systematic practitioners of physical exercises, from the characterization of a population of 1558 subjects who attended community health promotion centers for the suffering of coronary risk factors, and the application of a survey to 12 specialists who were more than 15 years of experience in the care for people with coronary risk factors, non communicable chronic diseases, cardiovascular or cerebrovascular, which allowed to determine the situation of the assessment of aerobic capacity in people over 40 Cuban years at risk Coronary, systematic practitioners of physical exercises. The anamnesis and other sources of inquiry, allowed to characterize the subjects according their risk factors and toxic habits. The results showed that the test should be based on the march or race with a rhythm according to their physical possibilities and the illness they suffer, that is easy to execute and evaluate. In addition, there must be regulations based and the capacity to recover must be determined. It was concluded that the tests that are currently used in Cuba lack validity and reliability.


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Arias Rodríguez L. L., & Zaldívar Pérez B. (2020). Current situation in Cuba for the estimation of oxygen consumption in adults with coronary risk. Acción, 16(s/n). Retrieved from
Artículos Originales


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