Therapeutic physical exercises in the aquatic environment for hypertensive adult elder

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Osiel Cruz Gutiérrez
Darvin Manuel Ramírez Guerra
Bergelino Zaldívar Pérez


Hypertension has become a health necessity of order in the world. This research allows a cross-sectional and longitudinal study, with a sample of 42 patients of both sexes, whose ages ranged from 65 to 78 years, diagnosed with an essential arterial hypertension, classified as grade I and II. The research developed aims to adapt the therapeutic physical treatment in arterial hypertension for older adults by developing physical exercises in the aquatic environment. In the research study, scientific methods were used from the theoretical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, logical historical level and from the empirical level: the observation, interview, survey and criteria of specialists, the sample was selected through a single case study established in the community of Guardalavaca of the municipality Banes province Holguín. The relevance and functionality of the proposal was validated by specialist criteria and statistical processing with the help of the SPSS statistical package. In this work the possibility of diversifying the therapeutic physical treatment in arterial hypertension for older adults based on the advantages and benefits offered by the aquatic environment is ruled out.


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Cruz GutiérrezO., Ramírez GuerraD. M., & Zaldívar PérezB. (1). Therapeutic physical exercises in the aquatic environment for hypertensive adult elder. Acción, 16(s/n). Retrieved from
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