Emotional stability in TableTennis athletes

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Mónica Huie Martínez
María del Rosario Martínez Hernández


The base research of this article was developed with athletes from the National Table Tennis Team of the U-18 category. Given the need to conduct research that approaches the study of emotional instability in the field of Sports Psychology, the importance and actuality of the topic can be assessed taking into account that having difficulty in how to handle emotions can produce negative consequences during the training and competition of the chosen sample. This research has the objective to explore the emotional stability in the athletes of Ping Pong. To achieve this objective methods of the theoretical level, such as analysis-synthesis and the empirical level the observation, interview, Eysenck questionnaire of Personality; Success Terrain-Failure test were used. As a result, it was possible to confirm the presence of emotional stability in athletes with low self-esteem; the protection and risk factors that influence the onset and maintenance of instability were identified, and the front facing of the own adversities of this sport from a resilient perspective.


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How to Cite
Huie MartínezM., & Martínez HernándezM. del R. (1). Emotional stability in TableTennis athletes. Acción, 16(s/n). Retrieved from https://accion.uccfd.cu/index.php/accion/article/view/100
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