Acción, Cuban Journal of Physical Culture (e-ISSN: 1812-5808 and RNPS: 2046), is a continuator of the journal Cultura Física (Physical Culture) founded in 1985. It is aimed at professionals in the Sciences of Physical Culture and Sports, and is edited by the University of Sciences of Physical Culture and Sport "Manuel Fajardo" in coordination with the "INDER" National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation, of the Republic of Cuba. It presents a continuous publishing system and it publishes texts in Spanish, English and Portuguese in the form of original articles and review articles, which are subjected to a blind peer-to-peer arbitration process. In their publications they address the following topics: physical education; sports training; sport, recreation and society; training of the professional of physical culture; physical activity and health promotion. It is an open access magazine under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 license, where the author retains all rights to the work for no commercial purpose. The journal complies with the certification requirements established for scientific-technological serial publications, provided for in section third article 20 of Resolution No. 59/2003 of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of the Republic of Cuba.
Current Issue
Vol 21 No continua (2025): Volumen 21. 2025