Contemporary challenges of physical education in the current educacional context

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Mario Barnabé Andrade
Arnaldo González Artola
Yamilet Yanes Leiva


Physical Education in its development goes through different models, styles or didactic concepts that bring significant contributions to what we know today as a discipline in all educational processes internationally. The development of science and technology, the globalization of two educational processes, left their mark on the way in which the teaching or learning process in Physical Education is conceived. The objective is to reflect on some of the challenges that Physical Education currently faces and some ideas of the transformations that are necessary in this area to be able to assume and face these challenges. A cross-sectional study was carried out. Articles and results of research carried out by authors from different countries were reviewed, with the intention of establishing coincidental points and summarizing the fundamental elements. As the main result of this analysis, it is possible to verify the need for transformation not only in the pedagogical process of Physical Education, but also in the process of teacher training, conceptions and trends that need to be adapted to the context of today's world society.


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Barnabé AndradeM., González ArtolaA., & Yanes LeivaY. (2023). Contemporary challenges of physical education in the current educacional context. Acción, 19(s/n). Retrieved from
Artículos Originales


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