Notes for a history of life of Ileana Fernández Lassoncell, glory of the university sport

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Omar Martínez Pérez
Ileana Fernández Lassoncell


The historical memory of the institutions is composed by different factors, but the most important constitutes it the chore of those that contributed to forge it. When registrations of the work carried out by these main characters not being elaborated, one runs the risk of losing it. Therefore, the aim of this work is to elaborate notes for a history of the teacher's life Ileana Fernández Lassoncell, glory of the Cuban karate and of the university sport in particular. It was carried out a bibliographical search on the methodology of the historical investigation, personal documents were revised (an example constitutes it its labor file) and several interviews were also made. As a result the teacher's biographical synthesis was obtained.


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How to Cite
Martínez PérezO., & Fernández Lassoncell I. (2021). Notes for a history of life of Ileana Fernández Lassoncell, glory of the university sport. Acción, 17(Especial). Retrieved from
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