Caracterización del temperamento de judocas élites cubanos

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Belis Cesar Rielo Alemañy
Magaly E. Fuentes Parra


The control and regulation of temperamental or psychodynamic activity is essential to improve the performance of athletes, since the effectiveness with which technical-tactical actions are carried out depends largely on this. Many judocas see their performance affected by situations related to their temperamental reactions. There aren't research enough that allow knowing, correcting and enhancing the aforementioned reactions from a collegiate psychologist-coach psychopedagogical work. Because of that the purpose of this study to characterize the temperament of the Cuban elite judokas, as a premise to identify the properties of temperament that this sporting discipline requires, which It would allow. A quantitative approach was used, with a non-experimental, transectional and exploratory-descriptive design with a sample of 14 judokas from the Cuban national team. The Inventory for the determination of temperament (IDETEM-1) was applied, the temperamental mixture was determined and the predominant individual and team properties of the nervous system and psychodynamics were identified. A high percentage of the sample and therefore the team in general is characterized by having a temperamental blood-phlegmatic mixture and as predominant properties strength, balance, mobility, psychic dynamism and lability within those of the Nervous System and as psychodynamics, endurance, moderate reactivity, fast psychic rhythm, plasticity, extraversion and activity.


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Rielo Alemañy B. C., & Fuentes ParraM. E. (2021). Caracterización del temperamento de judocas élites cubanos. Acción, 17(s/n). Recuperado de
Artículos Originales


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