Methodological criteria for small-sided games university futsal

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Gregorio Morales González
Alier Pérez Carmona
Yescarels Oyalvides Paizan


The failure on the solution of man to man pressure in small-sided games is today a problem in the Cuban university futsal. It is difficult for the ball's owner to make the first pass due to the lack of coordination in the support and breakage, affecting the game dynamics. The objective of the research was to assume methodological criteria in which a methodology of small-sided games teaching-learning for the pressure release in university futsal teams will be based on. This is a descriptive study where the methods of research and criteria of selection, analysis and synthesis and the interview are used. The observations and controls to the games in reduced space, made it possible to focus on the tactical-technical and physical errors of each player, according to their characteristics and the demands of the game situations. The foundations exposed in the article theoretically support the methodology to get out of the pressure exerted by the opponent, promoting an improvement in the frequency of passes from the equality and numerical inferiority that are developed from the work in different sectors of the playing field.


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Morales GonzálezG., Pérez Carmona A., & Oyalvides Paizan Y. (2021). Methodological criteria for small-sided games university futsal. Acción, 17(Especial). Retrieved from
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