Once the article is received, an acknowledgment of receipt will be sent to the corresponding author. Next, two specialists from the area related to the study will be selected who will act as national or international referees (more than 50% external to the UCCFD and Cuba), for a scientific review of the document. During the opinion process, the evaluators and the authors preserve the anonymity.

The evaluation system is by blind peer arbitration method. The articles received are distributed by the president of the Editorial Committee, with the participation of two referees, who are given models, so that they can make the revisions where they express their criteria (opinion) and make comments on the quality of said articles, selecting or not the articles. themselves by the Editorial Committee.

Possible outcomes of the review process can be:

  • Accepted
  • minor revision
  • Major revision
  • Refused

The review process will never take more than three months from receipt of the document. If the work was classified as revisable, the authors may carry out the opportune revision of the document, which will be returned to the editors within a month. The editors will decide whether or not it is necessary to send the document to the arbitrators again, having the capacity to exercise the final opinion. No more than two revisions per document will be allowed, except in exceptional cases.

In cases of controversy, that is, when one of the two evaluating arbitrators issues an accepted opinion and the other rejects or accepts with modifications, an evaluation request is sent to a third arbitrator and after its verdict the Committee Editorial weighs the three evaluations and will issue the verdict of accepted, minor revision, major revision or rejected.

In the event of suspicion or breach of some of the good ethical practices established in the journal's Code and other cases of Controversy, the procedures established in the Flow Charts of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for each case will be followed.

The average time between the receipt of the works and the final verdict is three months. After the document is approved, its final versions will be published within a period of no more than two weeks.

In the evaluation process, the referees will take into account the following parameters:

  • Originality: If the contribution is new and original, through the use of anti-plagiarism processes.
  • Title: Concise, specific, with adequate syntax and that reflects the content of the work in no more than 15 words.
  • Summary / Abstract : That expresses the objective, methods, main results and conclusions with full correspondence between them.
  • Keywords / Key words : No more than 5 words, all necessary, normalized and descriptive of the content with correspondence between them.
  • Introduction: That clearly defines the problem, the scope and objective of the investigation, the state of the art and how it has been addressed by other researchers.
  • Materials and Methods: That they express the quantity and quality of the materials used, that the methodology used and the experimental conditions are relevant for the proposed objective, and if the statistical analyzes are mentioned and are appropriate.
  • Results and Discussion: That the results are clearly exposed and presented logically with the help of images, tables and figures. That the interpretations are correct and that the relationship between the data obtained is highlighted. If there is a contrast of the results with those of other published works, and if the possible theoretical and/or practical implications are highlighted in a way that supports the conclusions.
  • References: That the appropriate sources of scientific information be used and that they present an adequate percentage of current affairs. That the citations in the text and the bibliography are correctly established according to the bibliographic style of the journal.
  • Images, Tables and Figures: All necessary, intelligible, self-explanatory and of high quality, presented opportunely in the body of the work.
  • English: Suitable for understanding the title, abstract and keywords.
  • Dimensions: You can enlarge, reduce or eliminate parts of the work.

For the arbitration form, it can be consulted at: Arbitration Form

The arbitrator, from his appointment and during all arbitration proceedings, will remain independent and impartial, qualities necessary for his appointment and maintenance in the assigned role. The arbitrators must not give rise to justified doubts regarding their impartiality or independence (factual or legal), they can be challenged. The arbitral proceedings shall promptly reveal such circumstances to the parties. The evaluation of manuscripts is a voluntary process, which is recognized with the annual publication in the journal of the names of the evaluators who have collaborated during that period.
The arbitrators must exercise the position with strict impartiality and absolute discretion, it is an anonymous process. The appointment of arbitrator can be accepted or rejected, although acceptance is normal, which establishes the rights of the parties to fulfill the order within the established period of four weeks from the receipt of the article. In case of rejection within a maximum period of 48 hours, the editor or president of the Editorial Board must be notified, avoiding damages that may be caused by delay or breach of the respective obligations.
It is the duty of the arbitrators to inform the parties of any situation that jeopardizes the performance of their duties. During the communication of the appointment as arbitrator, all the circumstances that may give rise to a possible removal must be exposed. The arbitrator shall, from the moment of his appointment and during the arbitral proceedings, promptly disclose such circumstances to the parties unless he has already informed them of them. It is possible that the arbitrator of his own free will proceed to remove him from the arbitration process, that he renounces the arbitration.