Diagnosis of the gait in patient with spinocerebellar ataxia type 2: study of a case

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Susana Ramírez González
Amada Plácida Gómez Zóquez
Julio César Rodríguez Díaz


This article is based on a research of an unique case study of a patient with Spinocerebellar Ataxia type 2, at stage I. The patient was chosen of intentional way amoung a group of patient because was the youngest amoung the ones who usually attend to the rehabilitative services at the Research Center and Rehabilitation of the Hereditary Ataxias (CIRAH). The main objective was to accomplish a kinematic study of the gait in this patient. The theoretical and empirical methods were used as well as the videography technique, widely used in the biomechanics analyses. The results allowed to analize the behavior of the kinematic indicators. In spite of the short time of evolution of the disease and the systematical rehabilitation of this patient, right now is more evident the differences between the referential values for the normal gait. These results can be taken into consideration in the process of the rehabilitation of this case study.


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Ramírez GonzálezS., Gómez ZóquezA. P., & Rodríguez DíazJ. C. (1). Diagnosis of the gait in patient with spinocerebellar ataxia type 2: study of a case. Acción, 16(s/n). Retrieved from https://accion.uccfd.cu/index.php/accion/article/view/88
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