The achievement of the point in winning teams of beach volleyball, male youth category

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Pedro Hyoset Oliva González
Marco Ángel Martínez Novo
Alberto González González


The following study will be aimed at determining the achievement of the point per set in the Cuban youth beach volleyball players game, during the National Championship of 2018. This will allow future competitions greater autonomy, providing them with the necessary tools to get oriented and identify important elements of the linking of the typical phases of the game with its application in the competitive activity itself, and in this way achieve a consistent performance based on the current demands of the sport.For the investigation the author uses the empiric method: the search of information, the documental revision, and the observation. For this purpose were used theoretical methods like analytic-synthetic and historical-logical. It shows that typical phases of game 2 is the most importance in the achievement of the point per set.


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Oliva GonzálezP. H., Martínez NovoM. Ángel, & González GonzálezA. (1). The achievement of the point in winning teams of beach volleyball, male youth category. Acción, 15(s/n). Retrieved from
Artículos Originales


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