Model of game to the preparation of the defensive tactics of the male soccer team

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Yariel Chappotìn-Vargas
Jaine Colomé-Valencia
Gerardo Vargas-Peraza


The footballer tactical preparation has become more scientific with passing of the time. The trainers study and they analyze minutely as preparing more and better to their team in a specialized way assisting each rival's characteristics that face. To achieve the players to have better defensive tactical behaviors, they are variable that they are managed, for what the objective of the investigation is to design a game model for the preparation of the defensive tactics of the masculine juvenile team of soccer of Havana starting from the inadequacies verified in the made games. When analyzing the results of the information obtained in the observed games it was proven that the pattern of designed game assisting to the offensive projections of the faced teams doesn't turn out to be effective, keeping in mind influences them reached discreet results. For the realization of the study different methods were used, procedures and technical of scientific investigation among which are: theoretical level, empiric level and in the prosecution of the information the descriptive statistic was used. A representative sample was chosen assisting to the quantity of players of the category and the functions of the same ones inside the game field.


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Chappotìn-VargasY., Colomé-ValenciaJ., & Vargas-PerazaG. (1). Model of game to the preparation of the defensive tactics of the male soccer team. Acción, 15(s/n). Retrieved from
Artículos Originales


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