The biomechanics in the analysis of the technique of movement of the mill launching in the Softbol

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María Adela Ceballos-Rubio
José Tusón-Pérez
Maury Rodríguez-Rodríguez


The analysis of the movement technique from the biomechanics, allows to know the errors that the athlete makes and you/he/she facilitates the trainer to reorient the sessions of training to minimize the same ones, reaching a correct execution of the action with an efficient result. For such a reason, this work was guided to the realization of the analysis biomechanical of the technique of the mill launching, in an athlete with coarse experiences in this sport, being compared with the execution of a didactic movement of this action, what facilitated to detect the errors that are made accurately. Modern technology was used to obtain the images of the movement, being processed the same ones with a specialized software, what facilitated to obtain the data in the smallest possible time and with un range of worthless error. It was detected that an appropriate control of the position of the center of gravity of the body is not achieved, for what the transmission of the quantity of movement is hindered through the chain kinematics, question that impeded the good behavior of different characteristic measured kinematics.


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How to Cite
Ceballos-RubioM. A., Tusón-PérezJ., & Rodríguez-RodríguezM. (1). The biomechanics in the analysis of the technique of movement of the mill launching in the Softbol. Acción, 15(s/n). Retrieved from
Artículos Originales


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