Incidence of injuries in soccer-oriented sports initiation

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Raúl Barceló-Reyna
Héctor Noa-Cuadro
Osvaldo Javier Martín-Agüero


The present investigation was developed in the sport initiation, with the objective of characterizing the injuries that occurred in the soccer players of Las Tunas province, Cuba. A retrospective, descriptive transectional study of qualitative and quantitative nature was carried out. Through the review of documents, all the injuries registered by the physicians of the Provincial Center of Sports Medicine were analyzed. The highest incidence was found in soccer players, with an emphasis on children, although there was a tendency to increase in relation to age for both sexes. The most frequent lesions were of microtraumatic origin, with predominance of the tendinous and muscular ones. The affectations in the knees were the most recurrent.


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Barceló-ReynaR., Noa-CuadroH., & Martín-AgüeroO. J. (1). Incidence of injuries in soccer-oriented sports initiation. Acción, 15(s/n). Retrieved from
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