Proposal of scales for a national classification of Ecuador's long and triple jumpers

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Edgardo . Romero Frómeta
Jonathan Joel Márquez Zambrano
Jhonathan David Caiza Lliumigusin


The classification of competitive results of long and triple jumpers has been a topic of little study in Ecuador. This lack of definition generates inconveniences when defining the optimal competitive performance by age groups, according to their ontogenetic development and being able to define the country's sports reserve in these events. The objective is to establish a system of scales that allows classifying competitive performance in these jumps. A descriptive study was carried out in which the 400 best marks of Ecuadorian long and triple jumpers participated, in the U16 and U18 age groups, and the 600 best marks of international jumpers in the oldest age groups, all of them in a period of 12 years. The data were extracted from the electronic databases of the Ecuadorian Athletics Federation and a similar database of World Athletics. Statistical techniques of central tendency were used, including percentiles, which allowed all long jumpers and triple jumpers to be classified in those age groups. As a result of the research, the scales were established in four levels: A, B, C and Aspirants and the trend of the brands from GE-U16 to GE-U23 was calculated. Simultaneously, a parallel classification was established that considered the results achieved by national athletes in the Olympic Games, World Championships, Pan American Games and South American Games.  Two tables are shown with the corresponding scales and it is recommended to use rosettes of different colors to stimulate competitive performance.


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How to Cite
Romero FrómetaE. ., Márquez ZambranoJ. J., & Caiza LliumigusinJ. D. (2025). Proposal of scales for a national classification of Ecuador’s long and triple jumpers. Acción, 21(continua), 15-34. Retrieved from
Artículos Originales
Author Biographies

Jonathan Joel Márquez Zambrano, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, Quito, Ecuador.



Jhonathan David Caiza Lliumigusin, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, Quito, Ecuador


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