Accion and the EIEFD, 25 years of a shared dream: the internationalization of science

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Santiago León Martínez
Raúl Orlando Figueroa Soriano 


Little has been studied about the genesis, development and social impact of the International School of Physical Education and Sports (EIEFD) in Havana. This revolutionary event generated more than 2,000 university graduates from 83 nations committed to their countries of origin. The magazine Acción, which is also celebrating its 25th anniversary, creates synergies with this phenomenon in a theme that unites them: the internationalization of science.


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How to Cite
León MartínezS., & Figueroa Soriano R. O. (2024). Accion and the EIEFD, 25 years of a shared dream: the internationalization of science. Acción, 20(Especial), 1-4. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Raúl Orlando Figueroa Soriano , Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, Tegucigalpa, Honduras  






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