Proposal of variables, dimensions and indicators to evaluate impact on sports specialties

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Sara María Mena Morejón.
Virginio Carrera Melo.


Despite there being more than twenty years of experience in the implementation of some 29 sports specialty programs and achieving the graduation of 904 specialists, there are no evaluations of the quality of said programs or instruments on how to do it. The objective of the work is to develop variables, dimensions and indicators for the evaluation of the impact of postgraduate specialty programs in high-performance sports of the Cuban sports system. Empirical level investigative methods such as documentary analysis, survey, group interview and expert judgment are combined with other theoretical level methods to build a logical relationship in response to the object of inquiry. Inadequacies and potential for improvement are revealed, and indicators tempered with the activity are conceived that allow measuring the impact of postgraduate specialties for high-performance sports in Cuba.


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How to Cite
Mena Morejón.S. M., & Carrera Melo.V. (2024). Proposal of variables, dimensions and indicators to evaluate impact on sports specialties. Acción, 20(s/n), 236-251. Retrieved from
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