Evaluation of the Science and Technological Innovation System in the he Physical Culture and Sport
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The Science, Technology and Innovation System, in the National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation, requires, like any management activity, an evaluation phase that allows knowing the state of the system's operation, so that it makes it possible to make decisions for improvement. However, the current system, which dates back to 1998, does not have a subsystem that evaluates the quality of the processes carried out in it, despite the fact that guidelines are given by the organization's Science and Technology Directorate. This research proposes a methodological guide for the evaluation of the Science, Technology and Innovation System in the organization. To carry it out, different methods were used, such as document review, interviews, observation, systemic, historical-logical and inductive-deductive approaches. The results of the introduction of the evaluation guide reveal that it is viable, easy to apply and collects results by dimensions and indicators in a comprehensive manner.
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