Evaluation of body posture in deaf wrestlers of the social category

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Alina Bestard Revilla.
Liudmila Hernández Soutelo.
Erva Brito Vázquez


Sport is a human activity that has not been very far from the discriminatory concept. The comprehensive evaluation process of hearing-impaired wrestlers (deaf and hard of hearing) is one of the priorities in the Cuban Wrestling Federation.However, updated references on the subject are scarce. The objective was to evaluate body posture in deaf fighters of the social category. The study was descriptive and explanatory, using theoretical methods, such as: analytical-synthetic and inductive-deductive, and empirical methods such as: documentary analysis and observation. The evaluation expresses the current state of the fighters, based on a postural examination. The results obtained redirect sports training with these athletes in order to improve their health and quality of life.


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How to Cite
Bestard Revilla. A., Hernández Soutelo.L., & Brito VázquezE. (2024). Evaluation of body posture in deaf wrestlers of the social category. Acción, 20(s/n), 127-139. Retrieved from https://accion.uccfd.cu/index.php/accion/article/view/324
Artículos Originales
Author Biography

Erva Brito Vázquez, Centro de Investigación del Deporte Cubano. La Habana, Cuba






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