Chronic non-communicable diseases, anthropometric characteristics and physical condition of older adult in Quindío, ColombiaChronic non-communicable diseases, anthropometric characteristics and physical condition of older adult in Quindío, Colombia
Main Article Content
The objective of this research is to determine the prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases, anthropometric characteristics and physical condition of older adult women from the municipalities of Calarcá, Circasia and Finland in the department of Quindío. This study is descriptive, cross-sectional. The prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases was obtained through the application of a questionnaire. The anthropometric assessment was carried out following the instructions of the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry. Physical condition was determined through the Senior Fitness Test battery. A prevalence of arterial hypertension greater than 60% was found, likewise, on average they were overweight and obese; and women aged 80 to 89 had better physical condition compared to their younger peers.
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