Pre-season psychological evaluation in an ecuadorian open water swimmer

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Jorge Washington Jordán-Sánchez
Edlita Ivonne Espinoza-Álvarez


Swimming is one of the individual sports that involves the most mental demands, due to the time commitment, distribution of loads and individual personality characteristics that the sport demands. The objective of this research is to determine the motivational psychological state and moods of a young Ecuadorian open water swimmer, during the preseason phase. A case study was carried out. The Pelletier sports motivation scale and mood profile were applied. The results were high levels of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, reflected by the Pelletier scale, while the mood profile did not register any difficulties. It is essential to carry out pre-season psychological evaluations in open water swimmers, especially in the case of highly competitive athletes, in order to identify, prevent and ensure that athletes are in optimal psychological conditions to face the rest of the sports preparation macrocycle.



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How to Cite
Jordán-SánchezJ. W., & Espinoza-ÁlvarezE. I. (2024). Pre-season psychological evaluation in an ecuadorian open water swimmer. Acción, 20(s/n). Retrieved from
Estudio de Caso
Author Biography

Jorge Washington Jordán-Sánchez, Universidad Técnica de Ambato





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